
Beginner Bootcamp

What Are The Best Cryptocurrencies to Buy and Hold Right Now?

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Lesson Notes:

When you get started with Bitcoin, there are only two coins that you want to focus on as a beginner...

That would be Bitcoin and Etherum

These are the safest coins you can start to accumulate...

Bitcoin is an unhackable storage of value, and Etherum is like "the internet 3.0" becasue people use etherum to develope online worlds such as games and other digital assets like smart contracts. Dont worry about the verbage, just know, Etherum is the MOST USABLE crypto in the world so it has HUGE upside and safety.

All other coins are a complete gamble as to if it will last, however there are other coins that look promising becasue of the big partnerships they are getting. Such as Solona is working with Visa. And JP Morgan is working with Stellar. So there is huge potential in the industry. However, for YOU... it is best to make sure you only focus on Bitcoin accumulation.

If you want to invest into other AltCoins, I suggest you do:

$200 of Shiba

$200 of Doge

$200 of Solana

$200 of XRP

Then All Bitcoin After That!

Remember your goal is to aquire BITCOIN, so you will use these AltCoins to make a profit and then turn the profits into Bitcoin. These AltCoins have a great chance of making huge money over the next year, so its a great idea to have some of these coins. BUT remember, your goal is to buy bitcoin and stack bitcoin. Other coins are meant to be used for HIGH PROFITS then turned into Bitcoin. Okay?

CRITICAL INFO: Black Rock and Vanguard are buying Bitcoin to hedge the new digital currency and to own it all so you cant go outside the new digital system. We as a people, need to buy Bitcoin only, so the elite do not control the economy. Bitcoin is our freedom.

You should set a goal to own 1 Bitcoin as a long term plan and keep chipping away at that goal as hard as you can...

When you have 1 Bitcoin, you will want to start buying 50% Bitcoin and 50% Etherum as you main holdings...

You might end up buying other coins as you learn how to day trade so you can make profits, when you sell your trade and make a profit, make sure to always turn that back into Bitcoin to keep getting closer to 1 whole Bitcoin...

You can trade for a month, then after the month is over, lets say you made 8% profit on $1,000 which means you have $1,080 afer the month... you would take $80 and store that in Bitcoin, then keep trading with your $1,000.

You can also compound your money so you are trading with more...

This is great, but just make sure to set weekly and monthly goals to SAVE some of the profits so you dont lose out on your holdings.

This website is not associated with iCoinPro and was created by Justin Temple for education purposes only.

Trading Disclaimer: "iCoinPro, The iCoinPro Trade Finder and its trainers provide an informational service only and are not responsible for any investments made applying this information. The results described are not typical and are not guarantees of future income. Any investment contains risk and is 100% the responsibility of the investor to assess the risks/rewards involved. It is possible to lose some or all of your investment. We assume no liability assumed or implied for your application of the information shared from the training programs."

Trading Results Disclaimer: "The training course and its trainers provide an informational service only and are not responsible for any investments made applying this information. The results described are not typical and are not guarantees of future income. Any investment contains risk and is 100% the responsibility of the investor to assess the risks/rewards involved. It is possible to lose some or all of your investment. We assume no liability assumed or implied for your application of the information shared from the training programs."

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